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Minggu, 03 Juli 2011

Foods to Treat Cellulite

Foods to Treat Cellulite-There are several ways to fight cellulite. From sports, rub with cream Anti-cellulite, and dieting. Diet alone will not help eliminate cellulite in the long run. The important thing is to manage your diet so that your weight could go down, and by itself would be gradually thinned cellulite. To obtain maximum results, do regular exercise.

Avoid foods that contain flour

At least two studies that say that people who frequently eat more whole grains tend to reduce belly fat, than those who consumed fewer complex carbohydrates. You know, when the belly fat, cellulite also wanted to show myself there. In hypermarkets already sold a variety of whole wheat products so you have plenty of choices. Moreover, a higher fiber content in bread wheat (whole wheat) and whole-wheat pasta makes you full longer.

Befriend fat

To get rid of fat, you need to overcome your fears in fat. How? By eating healthy fats, like nuts, seeds, avocados, and olive oil, you can help people lose weight and cellulite. These healthy fats offer the taste, texture, and feeling satisfied that you want when implementing a healthy diet.

"Just use these materials for condiments, not as a main meal," said Delia Hammock, RD, nutrition consultant in New York City. Spread one tablespoon of pureed avocado to the top of bread, or sprinkle a teaspoon of sunflower seeds onto your vegetables.

Eat more vegetables

A new study in the International Journal of Obesity says that people who frequently eat meat tend to become obese by 27 percent, and 33 percent tend to have a distended abdomen (harmful fat that accumulates around the abdominal organs, and increase the risk of heart disease) , than those who rarely eat meat. Menu meat will make you consume on average 700 calories more a day.

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